Trying to become mentally more available

I haven't been very active on here as of late, I have had no inspiration no will to create anything. I feel like I fell into a crater drowning in my own self doubt and pity. Not sure where the wave of depression came from, but that didn't make it any less real. I feel now I am finally crawling out of that great void that was consuming my life, deep in my heart I could feel the darkness slowly breaking me down, and I chose to not allow it to consume me.  So I started doing things I loved again. Knowing if I keep myself busy enough and my mind full I can fix myself. I have been baking non stop which has inspired me to start up blogging again. Creating things is what I am meant to do, whether it be in the kitchen or on paper. So hopefully I will be more active and more available mentally to continue to create and keep my head above water. 


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