Next Step In Life (After Work Thoughts)

I feel like I have lost my patience for stupid people at my job. I have been in the restaurant industry for 10 years this year, and every year I seem to hate people a little more every day. Some people act like they have never sat foot in a restaurant before when they sit at my table, unsure of how to behave towards the person doing them a favor of serving their food. IE Me. Then the questions, off the wall stupid questions, such as "Can you put the gluten back in the chips? Do the beer battered french fries have gluten in them? What type of fish is in the cod tacos?" I just smile and die a bit on the inside when I explain that some things are just naturally gluten free....Or that Cod is the main ingredient COD tacos..It gets harder and harder each day not to just come back with a snide remark to every ridiculous thing that comes out of people's mouths. One day I dream about winning the lottery and finally telling the next rude customer that sits in my section, to suck it before high fiveing the kitchen staff and walking out waving both middle fingers in the air.

Serving tables though has humbled me as a person, I definitely know how to work hard for every dollar that I make. I feel like I am ready to take my next step in life, hopefully soon straying away from the industry. Never forgetting how to be kind to the people who do services for you. Knowing how hard it is to work somewhere that you constantly get treated awfully by shitty people, at least I know I will never be one of them. Taking a new step in life towards a different path doesn't discredit how serving tables, or any kind of service work is a real adult job. It just means that I am growing bitter doing it, and do not see myself being able to deal with dumb people for much longer of my life. When I finally do figure out what else I want to do in this life I know the people I have met serving all these years who have turned into family will be there to support me and definitely hook me up with some food from the kitchen.


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