My Daily Routine

Today I am going to be writing about what a normal day for me looks like when I am not scheduled to work. I feel like writing it all down will help me pinpoint what I would like to add and take away from my day to make it run smoother. I have two small children 2&3 years old, so they take up a lot of my time during the day. Someday's are harder than others for sure, but I am gonna focus on a typically easy day where I actually get stuff done.

So we wake up usually around 7:30-8:00 in the morning, usually I am in my bed still at the point, so My older girl runs in and wakes me up. Main;y because she is so smart she figured out how to open the child proof door handle in her room, I usually send her back in her room to keep her contained, and keep the little one who is in a crib content while I open my eyes and take a moment to be ready for the morning. When I get up, I go their room and grab the little one from the crib, change her while my older one uses the potty and changes into panties.

We then go downstairs and ideally I get their breakfast out and my coffee started. I turn something for them to watch in the "Big room" which is what we call our den/ play room like area in the house. My childern are very impaitent for breakfast so usually they will getg a yogurt or a piece of fruit to tide them obver while I make us breakfast. I am not going to lie here, we tend to do a lot of ewasy breakfast foods, such as cereal, frozen waffles, fruit and whipped cream, sstuff like that. While they eat their breakfast I take a moment in the kitchen to down about half my coffee and usually start on dishes that have piled up from the night before, or some kind of kitchen cleaning. After they finish their breakfast I am usually done with my coffee, and I am on to cleaning the linvingroom up, throwing the trash out, or picking up the toys from around the house. We do a lot of playdough and art, so I allow them to be free creative and cut up papers glue them play with pens markers and or ccrayons on their art staion, which is in the living area of the house. If I am feeling in super need of keeping them occupied, we have paints and I let them go wild, painting body parts paper cardboard etc anything to keep them busy while I do my other chores for the morning. Which ranhge between mopping and doinng laundry.

About 11:30 is nap time, so I give my older one the ipad because she doesn't nap much anymore, and tuck the baby in her crib, usually I let my older one rest for about an hour before I go grab her and feed her lunch, she is super picky so it's usually some kind of soup or sandwich that we eat for lunch while the little one naps, then we have mommy and her time and so something that she wants to do. Usually it's reading a book or playing chase for a while after lunch. Once the babay wakes up I feed her lunch, she is easy and I can usually sneak way more greens in with her than my older one. After that we just free play pretty much until dinner time.

In the hour my older one rests I get some me time, which is usually a shower, and to sit and write or watch a tv show that I can not with them in the room. Also in that hour if I am feeling super ambitious, I try to deep clean my bathrooms or I will vacuum, or clean my bedroom which gets neglected more than not. It's hard to only get an hour latrly to take to myself daily, mostly because on the days I am not working my husband is gone until way after bed time. So it gets challenging to take care of myself in that small amount of time when my to-do list is miles and miles long.

After I put the kids to bed in the evening 730-8pm I try to finish what I didn't get to get done while they were awake. Some days I also just sit and take some time to breathe after what seems like a super long day is over. Depending on when my husband gets home, I watch tv and eat alone or we hang out for the remainder of the night. Sometimes the kids just don't want to sleep so I end up in my older ones bed because she doesn't like to sleep alone.

Typically that is my day and there are a few things that I wish I could do. I really wish that at some point I could take for myself to work out, it just feels like when I am doing that regualrly I am neglecting something else in my house, or time with my kids, I also wish that I would be able to have time to keep up with certain things that just seem to pile up, like laundry. I feel like as they get older it will get easier, but right now I am still sort of in survival mode with two such small kids a list a mile long and working a few days a week. When they get older I am sure I will have more time for myself. Not sure what I wanted to accomplish with writing this maybe just kind of proving to myself that I do a lot during the day and I CAN NOT accomplish it all. I am only one person.

Thanks for reading!


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