Blueberry Pancakes of Patience

I realize being a parent has taught me a great deal of patience. I had always thought of myself as a very easy going person, then I had two not so easy going toddlers trying to wreck every fun time I try to create. I say that in the most lighthearted way that I can. Children can be fun suckers and the moment you try to do anything slightly structured and fun with them they fight, or whine, or throw things and ruin it. I never realized how short my temper was for things like that until I became a mom. Now I feel like every other day is a battle of will power between my kids and I.

Today I woke up in a fantastic mood with a great idea of making homemade blueberry pancakes. Easy recipe, I had all the ingredients, I love to cook so I thought that this could be a fun activity to share with the kids. Sure I knew we'd get a little messy, I also knew things wouldn't go to plan but all and all I felt that it would go well. That was until we actually started making the mix, every other thing out of their mouth was a screech or a whine about something their sister did. I found myself becoming more and more agitated at the fact that they were just doing what little ones do. Fight scream and make messes. Today I took a deep breath and instead of yelling and raising the temperature of the water about to bubble over in my house, I took a deep breath and decided to just try to have fun with it. It's so hard for me to let go and just have fun with the kids while things don't go exactly right. Blueberry pancakes taught me patience and being able to let go of things that don't really matter.

I hope that one day I can apply that to the rest of my life. Blueberry pancakes can be just the start.


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