After Work Thoughts (Don't be an ass)

Dear future customers, past customers, anyone going to be a customer in a restaurant soon, don't be an ass. If your server or bartender goes out of their way to make sure you have a wonderful experience, buys you a couple drinks maybe, makes sure that you are their first priority, don't be an ass. Don't be annoyed about how much the wine you ordered costs. If you know there are two Chardonnay wines on the menu and you order the Chardonnay not specified, I think you mean the better one. If you mean house white say house white. If you did not specify what wine to pour you do not complain about being charged three dollar extra for a glass that you have already have downed. It's fine all and all its not my personal money that has to be refunded to you, it's the restaurants. Though it makes me look like a bad worker when I have to refund 10$ to you from the glasses that you drank. Then please do not let me hear you talking to another one of my coworkers about how unhappy you are without telling me first. Just makes me think twice about putting you first or being willing to take care of you.

I feel like people sometimes think that servers can read their minds. I can not, I did not developed psychic abilities when I got my servers license. So please say what you mean and be specific, do not wait until the end to complain about something that you don't like, do not say you are OK with something when you are clearly not. Then decide to tip me awfully because something was wrong with the food or drink or service and you didn't say anything to my face. It's OK to not want to hurt my feelings, I would just rather know you are unhappy and try to save the tip and the experience than you never coming back. 


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