Introductions and such

Hello world! (insert some other generic introduction)

My name is Geneva Johnson, and this blog is about my hot mess of a life. Let's get started, I am a 25 year old mom of two toddlers a fur baby and an over grown child of a husband. I am the all inclusive domestic type, who also hustles as a server on the side. My life is pretty hectic as it is running around, trying to take care of two small humans when I can barley remember to wash my face before bed. I used to be cool kid with aspirations of writing and being someone, now I am the subject of two small dictators, up to my elbows in diapers and asking someone what side would they want with their entree. This blog will be my out let from everyday life. If you chose to follow or read it expect nothing more than random rants, poetry, and possibly some short fiction to help my mind escape.
Hope you enjoy!


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