Blog 30 day Challenge Day 6

Today's blog prompt is 5 ways to win my heart.

I feel like I am a super easy person to get, I say what I want in a relationship and I mean it. I feel like the top five ways to win my heart are as follows.
Number 5, Food. I am a Taurus a lover of finer things, and I also rarely miss a meal. Some one with good taste in food and who takes me to places that have high quality are sure to win my heart. Number 4, someone who makes ,me laugh. I feel like looks fade over time, conversations can grow dull when you've been with someone for years and years. Although laughter never becomes redundant. Someone who knows the right time to play and joke will always keep me interested.
Number 3, someone trustworthy. For me to truly give my heart to someone I need them to be 100% trustworthy. I need to know that they will be there for me always and that I can always count on them. As an extremely jealous person I need to know someone will only be there for me. If I don't have that my anxiety gets the best of me and I can't give them my whole self.
Number 2, Someone who likes shitty horror films. I mean I am talking B rated made for Syfy movies. With cheesy actors and where you know that the dumb blonde is going to have a glorious, most ridiculous death scene.
Number 1, The Number one way to win my heart is just being loving all around. I will give my heart willingly to someone that I feel gives me adequate attention and affection. I am a needy person and require all the attention. If someone can put up with that I will 100% give them all my love and affection. 


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