Blog 30 day Challenge Day 4

Write about someone who inspires(d) you.

My biggest inspiration that I have ever had in my life, was my Grandma Mary. She was my moms mom, who at the age of 90 passed away late 2015. She was born to a extremely poor family in Lubbock, Texas. My grandmother learned at an early age to get anywhere in life she had to work hard. She was the first generation to learn English in school and how to read and write as well. At the age of 14 she began serving tables which she turned into a life long career. My grandmother served tables until the ripe age of 75. I can't imagine working that hard for that long, while raising 6 children with little to no help. She was most definitely the strongest person I've ever known.

She also helped raise all her grand kids and great grand kids. My brother and I where among the last from the grand kids that she baby sat. I remember the feeling of just warmth and safety every time that I was in her house as a child. The smell of fresh beans, chile and tortillas always wafted thorough her home. It was just so inviting to everyone that entered, definitely my second home. Sometimes my parents worked so much that it was like our home. My grandma would always joke that I was more hers than my mom,even though, I do share some physical features of my mom, my grandma and I shared the same type of personality. Now that I've become a mom I see it even more in the way that I raise my children.

In her later years, she still showed her strength through sickness, returning cancer, not being able to walk well anymore, she still maintained as much independence as she could until the very end. I am so grateful that my oldest got to spend as many months as she did with her. When she passed I feel like I had lost a piece of my soul, a chunk of my childhood had passed on with her. It felt as if I had lost a parent, my whole world was gone. I am lucky to have spent 23 years with her, and been able to be raised by such a strong person.


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